What Not to Do in a Haunted House

what not to do in a haunted house

Many haunted houses feature scare tactics and props that may not be appropriate for all visitors, so please check their website or call ahead if anyone in your group needs special accommodations.

Staying on the marked path ensures your safety and prevents actors from cornering you in a room. Also, wearing dark clothing makes it harder for actors to spot you.

Don’t Smoke

Haunted houses provide an immersive experience and you should not spoil it by complaining loudly or being outright rude to other visitors. If the attraction does not scare or please you, just ask to be let out instead of venting your dissatisfaction on others.

Haunted houses may be set up in buildings that previously met fire code requirements, but reconfiguring space and adding decorations that are flammable creates safety issues. Furthermore, walkway obstructions could obstruct emergency exits and evacuation paths – another potential hazard of haunted house installations.

Haunted houses can be quite packed, so visitors should remain calm, stay together, and take their time when visiting one. A panicked visitor could end up trampling others. To stay safe and ensure an enjoyable visit, it’s best to stay together, take it slow, and remain together when visiting.

Don’t Bring Flashlights

Many ghosts can be easily confused by electric devices like flashlights. Bringing one into the house could disorient them and ruin your scare experience as well as that of those around you.

As flashlights may cause unsettling spirits to appear more easily in a room full of them, it is wise to keep them in your car so as to not accidentally set one off accidentally in such an environment. Furthermore, flashlights make it easier for users to trip over ropes or loose floorboards, leading to possible injury and possible even death.

Avoid spoiling scares for other visitors by making loud predictions or spoiling scares outright, and refrain from calling actors by name; their actors work hard at creating characters for you all to enjoy, so disclosing their identities will only ruin the magic of haunted house experiences for everyone involved.

Don’t Run

Running through a haunted house could distract the actors and compromise their performance, while making visibility difficult and potentially injuring yourself in the process.

One way to prevent yourself from running through a haunted house is to wear dark-colored clothing that won’t easily stand out against its dark environment. Group visits are ideal, but if necessary make sure there’s someone there at all times with you.

Alcohol or drugs should never be consumed prior to entering a haunted house; both you and the actors won’t enjoy themselves, plus you could become dangerous for both yourself and others.

Don’t Touch the Actors

Avoid touching actors at haunted houses if possible; their trained minds know what is safe and appropriate, so touching one could cause both you and them to experience fearful moments.

Calling out an actor by name breaks character and spoils the surprise for guests – they work hard on creating their persona so don’t ruin their hard work!

Wearing dark-colored clothing makes it easier to blend in with the darkness of a haunted house, while neon hues will stand out too much. Also, staying together as a group will allow for quicker passage through and decreases chances of encountering monsters!

Don’t Touch the Props

Spending both time and money to craft haunted house props takes considerable effort and money, yet when visitors touch them they risk shattering them and diminishing the scare factor, ruining everyone else’s experience in the haunted house.

Costumes that are too bulky or restrictive can create a tripping hazard and may catch fire from lighting used in an attraction. Furthermore, some costumes contain flammable materials which could quickly ignite when exposed to open flames in props used within an attraction.

If the scares become too intense for you to bear or you feel overly scared during a tour, simply inform your guide! Actors will respect your wishes as long as you do not use profane language against them.

Don’t Call an Actor by Name

Calling out actors by name takes away from their experience for all and is likely to undermine their character!

If you are having issues, find a staff member and report it. They will likely be able to rectify it immediately so you can exit safely.

Do not complain or shout about how fake the haunted house is; that will only spoil everyone else’s fun and ruin their night! Furthermore, shouting can get someone hurt. Also avoid stealing merchandise as that is illegal and not cool; not only that but supporting local businesses can only benefit!

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