What is a Haunted Place?

what is a haunted place

With centuries of history and its multitude of haunted spots, America is home to many haunted places. From Gribble House where slaves were cruelly tortured to the White House where ghosts and spirits have been seen throughout, ghosts can be found all across this great nation.

Haunted places terrify people. Here are some of the most haunted locations in America:

Spanish Military Hospital

Visits to the Spanish Military Hospital Museum provide visitors with an opportunity to witness healthcare operations during Spain’s Colonial Period and also sense its haunted atmosphere – hospital beds can squeak, doors open and close on their own and there’s often an air of dread that fills the air like a thick fog.

While constructing this structure, workers accidentally buried thousands of Natives beneath what became hospital wards – thus turning an area dedicated to burial into hospital wards – and it is said that their spirits still haunt this location today.

Visitors have reported hearing slamming doors and footsteps, and seeing the ghost of Pierre Antoine Lepardi Jourdan who committed suicide upstairs in 1814 after losing a poker game and becoming angry over it. This hotel is widely recognized as one of the most haunted properties in Oregon.

Gribble House

Every town has a terrifying tale and Savannah’s is the bloody murders at Mrs. Gribble’s boarding house in 1909. Although no longer standing, an industrial warehouse now occupies this property believed to have witnessed such horror. Many believe these murders continue to haunt it even today.

Guests have reported being touched, scratched and pushed by unknown entities; hearing children running up and down the hallways; as well as faucets turning themselves on by themselves.

Guests have reported witnessing a misty apparition of a man dressed entirely in black with an impressive mustache – presumed to be Bingham Bryan, the yardman who was found guilty for murders that happened at this haunted house and has gone on to work at local stores since being sent away for trial. Zak and the crew of Ghost Hunters have seen him numerous times while investigating this haunted house; Bingham appears particularly eager to bother those coming in to investigate its hauntings.

Fort Pulaski

Fort Pulaski was constructed in Savannah in 1847 as a protection against attacks from both sea and land, however during the Civil War it became an infamous prison for Confederate prisoners.

These prisoners endured terrible conditions and were subjected to starvation diets as a form of torture; many eventually succumbed and are thought to haunt this fort even today.

Visitors of the fort report experiencing feelings of sickness, fear and despair in certain parts of it. There have even been reports of feeling like someone grabbed them at one point! A ghost of a Confederate soldier has often been seen near where he was decapitated – his appearance often being accompanied by an icy cold air and often appearing near where tables settings and candles lay laying on tables.

Old City Hall

Once the seat of government for Toronto, this ornate building now serves as home to its courts. Many stories surround this old structure – from tales about its hauntings (poltergeist often tugging judges’ robes on the rear staircase to hearing moans coming from Courtroom 33 where people were hanged) when Canada still practiced capital punishment.

Some have reported seeing ghostly figures, possibly Mark Twain who lived here from 1900-1901, walking the halls. Other ghostly sightings have included strange smells, clanking chains and disembodied voices.

Gettysburg has earned its place among America’s most haunted places thanks to a bloody Civil War battle and various tragic incidents that occurred there. You can take a tour around town or visit the battlefield itself, with legends of its ghostly inhabitants roaming freely today; other haunted spots include Madame Marie Delphine LaLaurie’s haunted house as well as its cemetery where slave children are interred.

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