The Most Haunted Places in the World

The Tower of London is a popular tourist attraction during the daytime but infamous for being one of the world’s most haunted locations after dark – its history of torture and execution dates back 900 years!

Prague has long been associated with alchemy, mysticism and the occult. Many believe Corvin Castle in Transylvania – owned by Vlad the Impaler – to also be haunted.

1. Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island in San Francisco Bay served as a lighthouse, military fortification and federal prison during its heyday; legend has it that ghosts of prisoners still haunt its empty cells today.

Ghostly figures have been reported by visitors and residents alike. Additional instances include unexplained cold spots, noises, or feelings that they are being watched.

2. La Recoleta Cemetery

La Recoleta Cemetery is well known for its beauty, yet has an unsavoury side as the final resting place of many of Argentina’s elite, including former presidents and Nobel Prize recipients.

Rufina Cambaceras, who died suddenly at 19 in Buenos Aires in 1902, became famously haunted after workers discovered scratches inside her coffin upon its opening – suggesting she attempted to escape it in some manner. They speculated she might have tried to escape but they couldn’t be sure.

3. Bodie State Historic Park

If you hear an unfamiliar howl or see an unusual shadow pass by while strolling through Bodie State Historic Park, it could just be a crow preening–or it could be something more sinister!

Legend holds that anyone taking anything from this ghost town – be it even an insignificant nail or Post-it – will be cursed with bad luck and tragedy until their item is returned. Every year, hundreds of curse letters arrive at this park.

4. Queen Mary Hotel

The Queen Mary Ship, once an iconic ocean liner that crossed the Atlantic Ocean, now serves as a luxurious hotel and world-class dining experiences. However, many have reported haunted spots within this historic vessel – particularly cabin B340 – making its history and past haunted presence known.

Ghost sightings near the First Class swimming pool and unexplained noises in the engine room have also been reported, while psychics often detect negative energy on board the ship in such areas.

5. Corvin Castle

Corvin Castle (Hunyadi Castle) is one of the most stunning medieval castles in Europe, but its murky past has earned it the moniker “Haunted Place.”

Visitors have reported hearing screams and footsteps, being touched by unseen hands, and witnessing apparitions at this castle. Additionally, there are torture chambers complete with actual tools as well as a 30-meter deep fountain dug by prisoners who were promised freedom once they reached water.

6. St Augustine Lighthouse

This historic landmark along Florida’s coastal road has long been considered haunted. Employees and visitors have reported strange occurrences like lights flickering at night or alarms going off unexpectedly.

St Augustine Lighthouse is said to be haunted by several spirits, including two young girls who died while building it in 1873 and are said to still haunt its grounds as playful ghosts.

7. The Convent of St Agnes in Prague

The Convent of Saint Agnes in Prague is said to be haunted by the spirit of a recently deceased nun, who’s said to roam freely within its halls moaning and crying out her suffering.

One of the city’s first Gothic structures, it includes a church, refectory, private oratory and library as well as an impressive collection of Renaissance art from Central Europe.

Have you been to this haunted location?

8. Corvin Castle in Transylvania

Corvin Castle is an impressive fortress not only impressive to visit but has also been showcased in multiple movies. Situated in Hunedoara, Romania it is said that three Turkish prisoners remain haunting this breathtaking structure.

Guests have reported hearing footsteps and screaming noises as well as experiencing violent poltergeist activity, with reports even coming in of people being locked in by unknown forces after hours.

9. The Aradale Lunatic Asylum in Victoria

One of Australia’s most haunted places, this abandoned complex serves as a ghost town. Comprised of 63 buildings including markets, bakeries, wineries and chapels – visitors report feeling cold sensations while at times even being pushed or even bit!

Nowadays, this once eerie site houses vineyards, olive groves, lavender farms and Melbourne Polytechnic hospitality training facilities – as well as offering lantern-lit ghost tours! Visitors are allowed to explore its grounds using lantern-light tours.

10. The Island of Dolls

Sights with murky roots have an uncanny air – take La Isla de las Munecas as an example – an island covered with old dolls strung up from trees! Its chilling story and macabre inhabitants add another level of unease.

No matter your view on paranormal phenomena, haunted places offer unique insights beyond what can be read from plaques and brochures. So if you want an adventure on your travels, why not add spine-tingling spots like these to your bucket list?

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