The Importance of Historical Places

Historical sites provide a powerful learning experience that textbooks cannot match.

Walk through Colonial Williamsburg to gain insight into life in colonial America or visit Gettysburg where much of the Civil War took place.


There are certain historical places that captivate people across the globe for many reasons – their beauty, the human ingenuity they represent, as well as providing a window into our past. Some of these irreplaceable landmarks are protected through historic preservation practices.

An Arkansas log house may have seemed ordinary at its construction, yet became significant as one of few remaining from its time. Similarly, Boston’s African Meeting House served initially as church and school before becoming a political, social, and cultural forum for Blacks as well as progressive whites.

Most historical places become significant because they hold some connection with an event or figure in history; for example, Grant’s tomb in New York City or Women’s Rights National Historical Park in Seneca Falls, NY honoring early feminist leaders and abolitionists are both examples.


Many manmade objects gain historical value simply through time; however, other factors also can help determine their significance as historical landmarks. For example, architecturally significant houses may gain historical value when home to notable figures or hosting significant events that shaped history.

Educators often use historic sites as learning environments for their students, making history more vivid for them and inspiring a sense of appreciation and learning about history.

Before visiting a historical site, assign each student the task of researching its history beforehand. Have them present their findings to the class using library resources, Internet sites, or prior knowledge. Likewise, each group should create a list of facts they’ll look out for during their visit to act as the foundation for a scavenger hunt they can take part in once there.


Preservation of historic places–whether that means houses, industrial buildings or town halls–adds to a community’s sense of identity and history. Preservation may involve making older structures look newer when necessary–although doing so should never compromise their historic quality.

Preserving places often involves public pressure. For instance, when developers propose the demolition of historic buildings in neighborhoods, citizens can organize to preserve it through protest.

Many preservation projects require significant fundraising, which requires local organizations or professional fundraising consultants with experience helping similar preservation projects to succeed. Media coverage can also play a role in spreading the word about any specific preservation effort. Historic sites also support jobs in history, architecture, civil engineering, tourism and transportation as well as providing an opportunity for visitors to exercise by walking – which contributes to public health in turn – for instance by visiting museums and parks or historic battlefields and buildings.


Certain historic places captivate the world’s imagination with their beauty and human ingenuity, offering educational or inspirational value, or simply serving as windows into our past. Additionally, they often serve as sources of pride among their communities, becoming major tourist draws that bring economic benefits for local economies.

Istanbul, Turkey’s UNESCO World Heritage Site features numerous historic monuments like Hagia Sophia and Topkapi Palace, both constructed over 1,500 years ago by Constantine the Great. Additionally, Ephesus (an ancient Greek city with temples, amphitheaters and theaters) remains popular tourist attraction with visitors.

The Statue of Liberty stands as a beacon of hope for all people and is one of the United States’s most iconic historical landmarks. Visitors can learn about its meaning at Liberty Island Museum; similarly, George Washington’s Mount Vernon estate in Virginia can provide insight into his first Presidentship while Seneca Falls, New York holds information regarding their first Women’s Rights Convention at Declaration of Sentiments Park and Elizabeth Cady Stanton House.

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