Scary and Haunted Places to Visit

Ghost tours of haunted mansions, haunted cruise ships and haunted hotels will provide spine-chilling experiences. Bring along a group of friends for an eerie adventure at these creepy places to visit.

Things seem to move by themselves, doors open and close automatically and disembodied voices can be heard echoing throughout. With its long and violent past, the Tower of London has earned itself the distinction as one of England’s most haunted locations to visit.


Visitors of San Francisco’s famed prison often report feeling scared as their tour takes them through its haunted history, featuring accounts of real ghosts and unexplained phenomena at this iconic landmark.

Visitors have reported hearing voices and footsteps, seeing apparitions, being pushed or pulled by unidentified entities and even experiencing physical contact from unseen sources. Particularly disturbing are A, B and C Cell Blocks where inmates died gruesome deaths in these cells.

American gangster Al Capone is said to haunt this building, often heard playing his banjo while showering. Additionally, Al Capone’s ghost can sometimes be heard playing it in the showers. Finally, Al Capone’s widow may still haunt Warden’s House despite her reported suicide on the island; her presence can still be felt among visitors.

The Dakota

The Dakota, completed in 1884 and located adjacent to Central Park, is an architectural wonder with its towers and intricately detailed walls. But this beautiful structure also has an infamous past: one that involves ghostly appearances!

Yoko Ono insists that John Lennon’s ghost still appears at The Dakota, often in its hallways or near where he was shot. Additionally, others have reported sightings of crying ladies ghosts or small girls dressed in 1800s clothing roaming its halls.

There have also been reports of poltergeist activity at this location, such as doors slamming shut and lights going off unexpectedly. According to accounts, the basement may also be haunted by someone who resembles Edward Clark (the architect responsible for its construction). He sometimes gives off a musty smell that sometimes moves furniture around. This spirit has also been known to change rooms after it has entered them!

The Pirates’ House

Savannah boasts a long and colorful history dating back centuries, and this old city is filled with haunted hotspots like The Pirates’ House – a renovated eatery with delicious cuisine as well as mysterious guests!

People who frequent this restaurant frequently report hearing strange apparitions and items falling off shelves on their own. One of the more famous ghosts from Treasure Island rumored to roam its dining room during moonless nights is Captain Flint himself, said to wander about looking for treasure.

Early on, The Pirates’ House served as a watering hole for sailors and other less-than-honest individuals. Famously known for its rum cellar and tunnel leading to River Street, many patrons would drink at its bar before becoming inebriated and then “shanghaiing,” wherein drunk men would wake up miles off coast as indentured servants to sea captains.

The Marshall House

Savannah has an infamous past involving war, slavery and Yellow Fever epidemics that lend it a mysterious aura. Each inn in Historic Inns of Savannah collection dates back to 1800s construction and comes complete with its own haunted legend.

USA Today describes The Marshall House as one of America’s most haunted hotels. With a long and distinguished history as a hospital during both Yellow Fever epidemics, and as an army hospital during the Civil War itself, its long history provides plenty of eerie activity – guests have reported hearing footsteps in hallways at night, seeing children running about and faucets turning off and on again without explanation, as well as faucets turning on or off and door knobs rattling away on their own accord!

The fourth floor is especially active, with reports of loud bangs and crashes as well as disembodied voices heard resonating throughout its halls. Marshall House offers guided tours and paranormal investigations for anyone curious to experience its haunted atmosphere firsthand.

The Seward House

No building boasts such an eerie history as this Manhattan townhouse, known as “House of Death.” Constructed in 1902 and believed to be haunted by up to 22 spirits–including that of Mark Twain himself who has been seen roaming its halls dressed in his signature white suit–its halls have often been described as unnerved by mysterious noises in recent times.

Kings Park Psychiatric Facility in New York is another terrifying haunted location; one of its many unsettling features is that it was shut down in 1996 but its horrific past is still deeply disturbing.

Explore creepy hotels or ghost-filled mansions – America is filled with spine-chilling places that will get your blood pumping. Make plans now with friends to take a tour through these haunted locations!

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