Historical Places to Visit in Europe

historical places to visit in Europe

History lovers will find plenty of sites across Europe to indulge their interest. Some exhibit early architectural wonders which have stood the test of time while others bear witness to key historical events that changed our world forever.

Rothenburg ob der Tauber offers visitors an insight into medieval legal proceedings with its Medieval Criminal Museum, while Auschwitz and Birkenau offer more emotionally engaging experiences.


Rome is truly one of the world’s greatest museums. The entire city center is listed on UNESCO World Heritage, housing everything from the Pantheon to Via Appia that dates back centuries.

Ancient Rome was at its core centered on seven hills – Esquiline Hill, Palatine Hill, Aventine Hill, Capitoline Hill, Quirinal Hill and Viminal Hill). Political power in Rome rested with two elected magistrates called consuls who also led their army; political control gradually spread through electing plebeians who eventually held some power through elected representatives known as tribunes who could introduce and block legislation.

The Roman Forum is an essential visit for anyone interested in ancient history. Here, public speeches, criminal trials and gladiator matches took place. Additionally, there’s the iconic Colosseum to admire while Trevi Fountain can also be visited to throw coins for good luck as part of an ancient tradition.

Vatican City

Vatican City, home to Pope Benedict XVI and an impressive collection of art and architecture, stands as an icon in both art and architecture. St Peter’s Basilica, Vatican Museums and Castel Sant’Angelo can all be found within its boundaries – among many other impressive structures that stand as testaments of this small nation.

The Vatican is one of the holiest sites in Christendom and bears witness to an impressive spiritual endeavour. History continues to unfold here as its palatial architecture created by Bramante, Raphael, Michelangelo exerted profound effects upon arts development since 16th century.

The Vatican is one of the smallest countries in the world, yet holds incredible historical importance within its boundaries. Although its strict dress code and lack of modern amenities limit visitor accessibility, the Vatican remains a unique and significant part of both ancient and modern Europe – an absolute must-see destination!

Anne Frank’s House

Anne Frank’s House attracts over one million visitors annually and stands as one of the world’s premier museums. It serves to bring war’s horrors home, while providing education on how we can prevent such tragedies from ever happening again.

At the museum, Anne Frank’s original diary and other mementoes that illuminate her family’s experience while in hiding from Nazi persecution can be seen on display. Witnessing her powerful work first-hand serves to remind all that hope still prevails and humanity has the ability to overcome even its darkest times.

Amsterdam is a city known for its 17th-century canals, aristocratic homes, culture and rich history – but beyond these attributes lies something else that truly distinguishes it: visiting Anne Frank House should be on everyone’s agenda during any visit to the Netherlands.


Stonehenge is an extraordinary megalithic monument located in Wiltshire, England that stands as one of the world’s premier prehistoric megalithic sites. The monument stands out due to its impressive size, sophisticated concentric plan and architectural design as well as trilithon structures made up of both Wiltshire sarsen sandstone and Pembroke bluestone which provide its distinct trilithons or gatehouse-like structures.

The origins of the site remain unclear, but scholars believe it was used as a place of religious and astronomical significance. Aligning perfectly with summer solstice sunrise and sunset suggests it was used for ritualistic purposes and marking seasonal transitions.

Pompeii, Italy’s sprawling archaeological site near Naples is one of the most beloved historical destinations in Europe. Destroyed by Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD, Pompeii stands as an evocative reminder of ancient life within its walls as well as an outstanding testament to human ingenuity and imagination – no surprise it remains among one of Europe’s top historical destinations today!

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