Haunted Places to Visit in the United States

haunted places to visit

The United States is home to many purportedly haunted locations that will test visitors’ nerves. From hearing ghostly whispers to photographing mysterious figures, these places will give visitors goosebumps!

Trans-Allegheny Lunatic Asylum in West Virginia first opened its doors for guests in 1864 and is a staple in ghost hunting shows ever since. Year-round tours are available and visitors have reported hearing voices belonging to long-forgotten patients or hearing cries from injured Civil War soldiers during tours.

Alcatraz Island

Alcatraz Island is well-known as one of America’s most haunted places. Once used as a military fortification and lighthouse before becoming a federal prison, people have reported hearing screams, unearthly noises, and feeling like they’re being watched on this historic island. Many believe that many former prisoners still haunt Alcatraz.

Al Capone, one of America’s most notorious gangsters, is said to be haunted by paranormal activity at his cell in Chicago’s Speakeasies district. Visitors have reported hearing his banjo playing and even seeing his ghostly figure standing at bars nearby.

Other unearthly activity on the island includes sightings of a ghostly woman lingering amongst the remains of the warden’s house and numerous old cells which are believed to be haunted. Psychics who have spent the night on the island have reported feeling angry or hateful vibes from these spirits; some even reported witnessing people being hit or shot as well as hearing chains clanging against each other rattling about.

Toyama Park

Japan may appear peaceful today, but its history is filled with brutality. Japan was home to some of the worst war crimes ever committed during World War II by Unit 731’s team of military police – thousands of innocent men, women and children were subjected to shocking experiments and ongoing torture at Imperial Japanese Army hands.

At daytime, Toyama Park is a tranquil public space popular for hanami picnics in spring and samurai spirit tours; at nightfall it becomes one of Japan’s most haunted locations with unnatural phenomena including white smoke coming out of air conditioners and lights that turn on and off on their own; some people have even reported being pulled by unseen hands!

Sunshine 60 in Ikebukuro was once known as Sugamo Prison and served to house political prisoners before they were executed by the US Army in 1945. Some have even reported seeing ghosts from those hanged walking about.

King’s Chapel Burying Ground

King’s Chapel Burying Ground dates back to 1630 and contains some of Boston’s oldest cemeteries. You’ll find John Winthrop – first governor of Colonial Massachusetts – buried here along with other pioneers like Mary Chilton (a Plymouth Pilgrim who first set foot in America) as well.

Attractions to this graveyard for both history lovers and paranormal activity seekers include ghost-spotting and experiencing strange happenings such as seeing orbs appear in photos taken there or hearing tapping sounds in the cemetery itself. Visitors have reported witnessing ghostly presences, seeing orbs appear in pictures and experiencing mysterious tapping sounds on their backs or shoulders while visiting.

There’s even an urban legend that suggests a headless woman haunts the grounds. According to legend, when carpenters created a coffin too short for her body they took shortcuts by cutting off her head as a quick fix; upon exhumation fingernail markings were discovered on the wood showing that she struggled against its confinement in order to break free.

The Stanley Hotel

The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado may not be as haunted as some suspect, but that doesn’t mean its presence is free from paranormal activity. Visitors have reported witnessing ghostly apparitions or hearing unexplainable noises and feeling temperatures drop unexpectedly while staying there.

Room 217 of The Shining hotel is widely recognized for being haunted. Stephen King found inspiration here when writing The Shining. Furthermore, guests and cleaning staff have reported hearing her ghostly laughter there.

Other haunted spots at the hotel include its concert hall, which is said to be haunted by Paul, an on-site handyman who died due to a gas leak. Tour groups have reported hearing his ghostly voice plead, “Get out!” nightly; shadowy figures have also been seen moving through halls while footsteps can be heard echoing through. One visitor from Houston even snapped a photo of its grand staircase only to discover there was an unseen presence standing atop.

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