Haunted Places in Tennessee

haunted places in tennessee

Tennessee is known for its rich Civil War heritage and old-fashioned Southern traditions, as well as being home to some of the country’s most haunted places.

Ryman Auditorium is said to be haunted by Bill Monroe, who would sometimes harass live performers whose music wasn’t divine enough for him. Ghost hunters have reported hearing voices and screams echoing throughout its halls.

Rippavilla Mansion

Spring Hill’s historic home, Nathaniel Cheairs’ Home is notorious for being haunted and has long been considered to be paranormally active. Over time it has been visited by numerous individuals who report feeling cold spots, hearing disembodied voices and seeing dark figures.

One popular tale surrounding this house is that it is haunted by Rowena, the daughter of its original owner. People have seen her walking the grounds or even lying down in bed; oftentimes she is joined by other spirits.

Experience Tennessee history’s darker side during this thrilling ghost tour! Set out on an eerie journey by lantern light as you discover mansion, grounds, and cemetery; discover ghostly sightings such as Andrew Jackson’s battles as well as his encounters with the Bell Witch; learn all this while getting chills!

The Ghost Light of Chapel Hill

Tennessee is well known for country music and barbecue, but the state also features many haunted places to discover. Tennessee boasts a long history of Revolutionary and Civil War battles as well as plenty of old Southern folklore; Rotherwood Mansion stands out as a haunted house due to Rowena losing her first love on her wedding day and later killing herself and her daughter Rowena.

The Bell Witch is one of several ghosts reportedly haunting Tennessee. Believed to be Kate Batts – an unpleasant woman from Adams Tennessee who once terrorized John Bell’s family home – this spirit now resides in a cave near John Bell’s property and can often be heard making sounds such as clanging chains, grunting noises and knocking sounds.

Sensabaugh Tunnel in Tennessee is another haunted location that is shrouded with various legends and tales of misdeeds that took place there. According to legend, someone broke into their home and drowned the Sensabaugh baby – creating what has come to be known as Crybaby Pool today.

Rotherwood Mansion

Rotherwood Mansion in Kingsport has an ominous past. Built by Reverend Frederick Ross, who owned a wealthy plantation. Ross lavished gifts on his daughter Rowena as she attended top schools; yet she later suffered her first heartbreak before dying of grief.

After selling his property to Joshua Phipps, who then began experiencing strange happenings at night and moving objects around in their room, people reported hearing laughing outright and ghostly eyes peering out from windows and hearing laughter at night. People reported hearing noises coming from this house that seemed out-of-place at times – such as hearing laughing uncontrollably or hearing objects being moved around on their own at night – along with hearing strange maniacal laughter, objects moving about on their own, hearing strange laughter at nighttime and seeing ghostly eyes peeping through windows at night!

Phipps and his mistress may still haunt this home, while there have been reports that an extremely creepy large black dog known as The Hound of Hell roams freely on its grounds. Also nearby is Sensabaugh Tunnel under a railroad which is said to be extremely haunted.

The Capitol Building

Tennessee is filled with Civil War battlefields and cemeteries as well as ancient Southern traditions, providing the ideal setting for creating some scary haunted spots.

The Capitol Building is a historic structure with a long and mysterious past, serving as hotel, hospital, vaudeville theatre and movie house throughout its existence. There have been reports of ghostly encounters at this location; such as footsteps, voices and boot prints appearing where no human has trodden! There have even been sightings of ghostly figures!

Rotherwood Mansion in Tennessee is another haunted place. This beautiful home has a tragic past that includes Rowena’s suicide – her ghost can often be seen rubbing her eyes or sobbing inside, visitors often hear voices, feel cold spots or see dark figures near the bridge.

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