Haunted Places in Tennessee

Tennessee offers plenty of frightening places for visitors seeking thrills. From haunted prisons and caves, Tennessee boasts an extensive paranormal history.

Adams, also known as The Bell Witch – Kate Batts tormented John Bell’s family and still haunts their home today, pinching, pulling hair, making strange sounds, pinching out visitors in her path and sometimes pushing against visitors when entering. Visitors report feeling watched or hearing someone push on them while inside.

The Greenwood Cemetery

This cemetery has seen so much history – from Revolutionary War battles to Civil War conflicts – that many believe that it’s haunted by spirits with unfinished business here.

Samuel Leggett can often be seen walking around the chapel and wringing his hands, as visitors have reported seeing Confederate soldiers and an apparition that seems to be weeping for her children.

Kate Batts is another ghost who haunts Greenwood Cemetery, who supposedly haunts John Bell and his family because she feels they cheated her out of land. Her presence has been reported for noises such as bedpost gnawing, strange animal sounds, physical violence, as well as strange noises coming from bed posts and bed frames. While tours of Greenwood Cemetery can be conducted freely for visitors, its upper levels remain private and closed off from view.

The Rotherwood Mansion

With its history that includes war, death and tragedy, this 18th-century house in Kingsport provides the ideal location to create some chills. Visitors have reported sightings including Civil War soldiers as well as an apparition believed to be associated with Yellow Fever epidemic victims.

Joshua Phipps was a slave overseer renowned for his ruthlessness, and reports indicate his ghost is still present today at his former mansion, taking delight in pulling covers off sleepers in order to access them more easily. Additionally, you may hear his evil laugh echoed throughout its walls.

Any fan of movies such as Ernest Goes to Jail and The Green Mile should visit this haunted prison. Experience cold spots, hear footsteps stomping the floor and doors slamming shut, as well as seeing ghost-like figures during your tour through this creepy building!

The Old South Pittsburg Hospital

The Old South Pittsburg Hospital in Tennessee is one of Tennessee’s most haunted spots, offering both daytime museum tours and overnight paranormal adventures by various groups. Visitors have reported hearing stomping noises in corridors and encountering shadowy figures; one well-known presence known as The Naughty Nurse can often be found lingering near private areas and whispering sweet nothings into visitors ears – an experience visitors might find strange indeed!

The haunted history of this hospital dates back to its construction during the Civil War era, as it’s thought that it was built over an underground spring and provided shelter and supplies for Union soldiers during the fierce Battle of Chickamauga.

The Bijou Theatre

Bijou Theatre may or may not be haunted, but its long history speaks for itself! First opened as Lamar House Hotel in 1817, then becoming a Civil War hospital and Vaudeville theatre before becoming its current use as concert and play theatres with live concerts and plays taking place there today – as well as occasional paranormal activity such as doors slamming shut and voices heard but cannot be explained away!

Courtney Bergmeier, one of the workers at the theatre, claims she has experienced cardigan-pulling incidents as she closed up late at night and heard strange noises. Yet she remains determined to help make Bijou Theatre successful again.

Shiloh National Military Park

Tennessee may be known for its music, but its history can also leave chills up your spine. From haunted prisons to intriguing caves, Tennessee offers many ghostly places.

Shiloh National Military Park provides plenty of reasons to visit. As a site where Civil War battles took place and mass graves can be found, as well as being home for Rowena Ross who lived here before her tragic life was cut short by heartache and murder, this park holds plenty of significance for visitors.

At the Richard Drummond Train Trestle Bridge there have been reports of haunted encounters, such as cattle refusing to graze beneath it and dogs not going near it.

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