Haunted Places in Savannah Georgia

haunted places in savannah ga

When discussing haunted places in Savannah Georgia, most people think of the Mercer Williams House. This house of long-suffering lovers inspired the best-selling novel Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.

Madison Square is considered one of Savannah’s most haunted outdoor spots. Both visitors and locals report hearing footsteps thumping down stairs or feeling cold spots when visiting this square late at night.

Owens-Thomas House and Slave Quarters

The Owens-Thomas House and Slave Quarters is considered one of Savannah’s most haunted locations, having been the scene of a brutal axe murder case that claimed three victims (Eliza Gribble, Maggie Hunter and Carrie Ohlander) in 1909. Additionally, this location served as General William Tecumseh Sherman’s starting point during his March to the Sea during the Civil War, leading to many soldiers dying and widespread destruction across Savannah and its outskirts.

Visitors at this historic inn have reported strange happenings, such as Anna Powers’ spirit who, after an unsuccessful romance, leapt to her death from a 3rd-floor window and has since been seen tugging sheets and twirling her hair in room 204. Staff has reported items being moved around rooms as well as photos capturing what appears to be a ghost girl wearing blue dress!

Spanish moss cascades across the Gothic tombstones and mausoleums at Savannah’s Bonaventure Cemetery, where Johnny Mercer and poet Conrad Aiken are interred. However, this cemetery has become most well known for the haunting statues of two little girls; one in particular was featured as Bird Girl on Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil book cover art.

Marshall House

Marshall House Hotel in Savannah is home to some of Savannah’s friendliest ghosts. Open since 1851, this former hospital and yellow fever quarantine facility experienced two yellow fever epidemics early on. As such, guests often report ghostly amputee soldiers wandering its halls begging for assistance with missing arms.

Ghostly children have also been reported at Marshall House, and are thought to be some of Savannah’s friendlier spirits. They can frequently be heard playing and running down hallways late at night; sometimes their footsteps even echo back with sounds like bouncing balls or marbles!

Mary Marshall herself has also been seen appearing as full-body apparitions and walking the halls of the hotel, often Room 306 where haunted events have taken place – guests have reported hearing children running down halls, faucets turning on by themselves and other strange incidents in Room 306.

Moon River Brewing Company

Moon River Brewing Company in Savannah offers delicious drinks and food in a beautiful old building that has long been considered haunted. Formerly known as City Hotel, it has since become an infamous haunted spot.

People visiting the brewery have reported various forms of paranormal activity, such as sudden coldness, feeling like someone is watching them or sensing that someone has touched them. Many believe the top floor to be particularly haunted since many people died there.

A notable ghost associated with Savannah Brewery is Toby. Savannah residents detested him, often lynching him when he visited and it is said he may still haunt the brewery in some form or another. Furthermore, Toby has also been known to push patrons, leaving their beer bottles behind when leaving and brushing against patrons during visits to Savannah Brewery.

Colonial Park Cemetery

Savannah’s Colonial Park Cemetery has an ancient history that spans centuries, so it should come as no surprise that this cemetery is one of its most haunted places. Many early Savannah citizens such as Button Gwinnett (signer of the Declaration of Independence and governor of Georgia at one time), James Habersham, father of two prominent Revolutionary soldiers as well as mass graves for 700 victims of yellow fever epidemic are buried here.

Since 1853, when burials ceased at this cemetery, its history has become the source of numerous ghost stories. Tour groups frequently visit it; however, unguided entry will result in fines being levied.

On the Beyond Good and Evil Tour, guests have reported witnessing shadowy figures moving silently amongst the headstones and even an eerie green mist drifting through the air. Additionally, it has long been used as a site for voodoo ceremonies, leaving behind items that haunt this cemetery today.

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