Haunted Places in Tennessee

Tennessee is home to many haunted places – shadowy figures in hallways, cell doors that open and close on their own, Native American war cries, communicating with spirits beyond the grave at seances; all are signs that your area might be haunted.

Loretta Lynn’s 1800’s home may be haunted by dead civil war soldiers and an unknown figure who mourns the death of her child.

Rotherwood Mansion

Tennessee is widely celebrated for its country music, college basketball and beautiful Great Smoky Mountains landscapes; yet it also harbors an equally dark side. Filled with Civil War battlefields, historic graveyards and old-fashioned Southern folklore – including spine-tingling ghost tours to creepy cabins and haunted hotels – Tennessee stands out as a haunted state in America. For tourists with an interest in dark tourism it offers much.

Rotherwood Mansion is believed to be haunted by Rowena, whose daughter tragically drowned while boating along Holston River and she later succumbed to yellow fever a short while after. People have reported hearing unsettling laughter after sunset as well as seeing a woman dressed all in white wandering the property.

Joshua Phipps, who owned the house before Ross, may also be present, appearing as a ghost that wanders the grounds. According to reports of visitors sleeping, Phipps would remove covers when sleeping guests needed comfort and give off an uncharacteristically sadistic laugh. Additionally, reports indicate a large black dog roaming this area that howled loudly on stormy nights.

Sensabaugh Tunnel

The Sensabaugh Tunnel in Tennessee has long been associated with ghostly activity. Local legend claims it was used as the site for murders and satanic rituals, while ghost hunters have reported strange happenings such as chains rattling and unexplained knocking sounds coming from within its confines.

This tunnel has long been associated with the tale of “the Bell Witch”, an evil spirit who murdered John Bell and terrorized his family, even reaching as far as tormenting President Clinton himself! According to legend, she even managed to reach her full capacity of depravity to torment our President!

Legend has it that Edward Sensabaugh was home when a homeless man broke in and stole his daughter, whom they then chased into a tunnel, only for Edward to lose her in its depths. Since then, people have reported hearing baby cries and ghostly screams in this tunnel, along with its small body of water known as Crybaby Pool where your car won’t start up again when left parked within it.

Gwendolyn’s House

Tennessee may be known for rock and roll music, but that is only half the story – this state also contains many haunted places across America from historic theatres to cemeteries – where paranormal activity has been reported.

Gwendolyn’s House in Elizabethton is said to be particularly terrifying, according to reports. This two-story octagon house with brick outer walls hand built by slaves living on the property features the ghost of a woman that has been seen haunting visitors; reports also include cold spots and feelings like someone is standing behind you.

Athens’ Appalachian Tavern is said to be haunted by a ghost known as “Tavern Tart,” who can often be seen pinching or grabbing men who come through its doors. People have reported hearing voices or seeing dark figures.

Green Hill Cemetery

Greeneville residents believe this place to be haunted by three witches who are said to be buried there, and many visitors report hearing voices and experiencing feelings of being touched when visiting this cemetery. Furthermore, some have reported seeing a light shining through in the middle of it all.

Johnson City – East Tennessee State University – Old Library

Custodians at this library have reported seeing the ghost of a woman who worked there for 20 years, who would regularly go down into the stacks to put books back in order. Sometimes she would even cry out “Help!”.

Other odd reports include hearing someone play piano very lowly and doors opening and closing themselves. Furthermore, this place can get very cold; therefore it would not be advisable for anyone travelling alone to spend the night here; day visits would be preferable and staff has warned you against entering its basement, which they consider very hazardous.

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