The Most Haunted Places in the World

No matter your viewpoint on haunted places, these haunted destinations will leave a chill running through your spine. From cemeteries where vampire-like spirits lurk to castles where Vlad the Impaler was imprisoned – these locations will surely leave an impactful scare!

There are few buildings with as much of a chilling reputation as New York City’s House of Death, where legend has it that Mark Twain’s ghost still roams, smoking a cigar as he roams its halls.

1. Akershus Castle

Built in the 13th century to defend Oslo, Norway’s capital city, Akershus Castle has had a turbulent past. Used as a prison in the 18th and 19th centuries as well as being used by Nazis for executions during World War II, its long and sometimes troubled history may explain why this medieval stronghold boasts so many ghostly residents – with visitors reporting feeling pressure on their chests while walking dark hallways as well as seeing shadowy figures!

One of the scariest spirits lingering at Castle Mantelgeisten (or “Mantelgist”) is a maid who starved to death and haunts it wearing her long grey robe – known as the Mantelgeisten or “Mantelgist”, people report seeing this figure fade in and out of darkness; others report hearing chains clanging, hearing horrible cries or feeling an unknown force touching them.

2. Highgate Cemetery

This small cemetery came to prominence during the 1970s due to reports of a bloodsucking vampire living here, prompting many people to visit this quiet spot in search of this supposed undead creature.

Highgate Cemetery is home to some of the greatest names in history, including Karl Marx (a fiery communist with an impressive beard), literary figures George Eliot and Douglas Adams as well as defected Russian spy Alexander Litvinenko (now deceased).

Graveyards have long been known for paranormal sightings, with reports of ghostly cyclists often riding through them and an apparition who only looks up towards the sky before disappearing upon anyone approaching her.

3. Castle of Good Hope

For centuries, this legendary castle served as a hub of civilian and military activities, from executions and punishments to repulsive smells and cold rooms, along with sightings of ghostly figures. Visitors claim they experience foul smells when visiting.

Rose Hall in Montego Bay is a plantation home where one of its former female owners allegedly employed voodoo to kill husbands and slaves using black magic. Her spirit still haunts this place as well as that of a young girl who drowned nearby canal.

Screams, strange voices and footsteps continue to terrorise soldiers on guard at South Africa’s Castle of Good Hope during its late night “ghost shift.” Restless spirits believed to have been tortured there may still haunt it; additionally, an artificial island known as the Island of Dolls may also be haunted.

4. Prague

Though one of Europe’s most beautiful cities, Prague holds some dark history. Some even claim it to be haunted – making for an intriguing contrast when considering it’s stunning architecture and charm.

The White Lady, also known as The Ghost of Rozmberk nad Vltavou Castle Grounds, is an infamous ghost who haunts Rozmberk nad Vltavou castle grounds. She represents a noblewoman who married a butcher but was left raising their children alone after his death; as she still roams this area looking for her son and seeking help, The White Lady still haunts this area today and can often be found wandering its grounds alone at night looking for help in raising them from its inhabitants!

Rozmberk is home to several haunted inns allegedly haunted by witch hunter Boblig and his horrid victims, while there’s also the Old New Synagogue in Josefov with its golem that protects the Jewish community against Rudolf II, creating the golem in its attic by one rabbi to safeguard against Rudolf’s II persecution and now believed hidden there in its attic.

5. Corvin Castle

This castle served as the basis of Bram Stoker’s Dracula, and its history can be truly horrifying. Vlad the Impaler impaled prisoners here before becoming even more bloodthirsty after becoming imprisoned here.

The Monte Cristo Homestead in Junee quickly became known as a house of horrors after several deaths and an incident wherein maid fell down stairs; someone was even murdered there! People have reported witnessing bodyless apparitions, mysterious lights and voices as well as paranormal activity at this location.

La Isla de Munecas in Xochimilco, Mexico is widely considered one of the world’s most haunted spots. Created by Julian Barrera to appease a spirit, its ghost – believed to be that of a young girl – haunts it and visitors have reported feeling her eyes follow them around as they walk along.

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