Haunted Places in Indiana

At this time of year, haunted houses are popping up across Indiana to give you a good scare. From haunted mansions and cemeteries to ghostly bridges and mysterious tunnels – Indiana offers something scary for every fanatic of horror!

One of the most haunted places in Indiana is a small inn located within Story, once part of its original town. Here, guests have reported seeing ghosts and feeling their presence as invisible hands reach out for them from beyond the shadows.

The Nicholson House

Indiana’s Nicholson House stands out among haunted places as a terrifying haunted house, said to be haunted by the spirit of a young girl who drowned in its basement, according to visitors and reports of paranormal activity such as ghostly appearances and heart-rending screams and cries coming from its basement. Additionally, visitors reported hearing strange noises coming from within its walls as well as objects moving on their own!

David Nicholson was a stonemason who helped construct this home while working on the Marion County Courthouse in Indianapolis. Following his death in 1879 ownership passed to John Lindsay Rand and then to his family until its sale to another individual for residential purposes in 1960s.

This home, now designated a historic landmark, is believed to be haunted by ghosts of both a slave who drowned in its basement and an attic suicide victim. Visitors have reported hearing harmonica music playing from within its walls as well as sinks turning on and off without explanation, footsteps in the attic area, as well as faces appearing in windows during house moves in 1997.

The Indianapolis Athletic Club

Now is the season for haunted houses, providing quick thrills at Halloween time. But for an even scarier experience, visit one of Indiana’s most haunted places for an even scarier thrill.

Formerly known as the Central Indiana Hospital for the Insane, this place is said to be haunted. Constructed in 1848 and believed to have seen abuse take place within its walls during its long history. Witnesses claim to have heard moans, screams, sink faucets turning on and off by themselves and objects moving by themselves – signs that many would consider to be paranormal activity.

The Indianapolis Athletic Club used to be the meeting ground of choice for business leaders and debutante daughters alike, but since a devastating fire on February 5, 1992 it has become notoriously haunted. Ghost hunters have reported hearing uneerie harmonica sounds as well as sightings of an infant that died here during her baptismal swim.

The Garden Room at the Indiana State Museum

Indiana offers plenty of enjoyable activities, yet also has its fair share of creepy spots. A visit to the Garden Room of Indiana State Museum may prove unnerving as many have reported seeing the Blue Lady (a female ghost) appear there; people have also reported hearing footsteps, doors slamming shut and electrical devices turning themselves on without warning.

The Central State Hospital (also known as Indiana Hospital for the Insane) in Indiana is considered one of the most haunted places. Built in 1848 and believed to be haunted by those who experienced its pain as patients, visitors who have visited this haunted spot in Indiana have reported seeing shadows, hearing screaming voices, and feeling like someone is watching them while exploring its grounds.

The Whispers Estate in Mitchell, Indiana is another haunted location in Indiana. This home has been the focus of several paranormal investigations, and people have recorded unexplained sounds on tape here.

The Alexander Hannah Mansion

Madison Avenue’s 24-room home of Indiana State Legislator Alexander Hannah is widely considered to be one of the state’s most haunted sites. Used as part of the Underground Railroad network, Hannah would use her basement to house runaway slaves until they could safely move to their next hiding spots. However, on one night an accidental lantern knock over caused it to burn down completely killing many who were sheltering there and experts believe their spirits still inhabit Hannah house today.

Mrs. Hannah gave birth to a stillborn child in one of the second floor bedrooms. Experts believe that its spirit remains in the home, often making itself known through crying, screaming, moaning or whispers heard throughout it. Witnesses reported strange sounds and smells as well as doors opening or closing on their own.

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