How Haunted Houses Are Created

how haunted house

Horror writers frequently explore haunted house stories as an effective way to bring tension and conflict into their plots. Characters in haunted house tales must contend with living in an environment riddled with ghosts or otherworldly forces, leading them to experience great fear as they inhabit an infested home that can become increasingly terrifying over time.

As part of our natural instinctual response to perceived threat, physiological reactions such as dilated pupils and increased heartbeat speed are part of the fight-or-flight mechanism that protects us.

History of the Haunted House

Haunted houses have long been an attraction. One of the earliest accounts can be traced to Roman writer Pliny in the first century AD when a man thought his home was haunted by ghosts; following these phantoms led him to an area with human remains where the haunting eventually stopped when these remains were buried.

Modern haunted houses began their rise to popularity during the 19th century when sideshow illusions and circus attractions introduced audiences to more morbid forms of entertainment. Marie Tussaud caused quite a sensation in London audiences in 1802 by unveiling her collection of wax sculptures, known as Chamber of Horrors – including death masks of victims of French Revolution executions by guillotine.

Nonprofit groups such as the Jaycees began building haunted houses themselves in the 1970s, but professional companies soon outspent them and eventually came to dominate the market. Today, technology has enabled haunted houses to evolve into elaborate attractions that rival those found at major theme parks – featuring flame effects, computer animation and other breakthroughs that allow average people to step into an eerie world of monsters, ghosts, demons and sinister crucifixes!

Characteristics of a Haunted House

Haunted houses tend to be in old, ornate Victorian or Gothic structures that exude elegance and decaying interiors and walls with decayed portraits, creating the atmosphere of an eerie manor house. Such structures elicit feelings of great age while their dark colors both inside and out add further evidence that a haunted presence exists within. Moldy odors, decaying interiors and old portraits further heighten this sense.

Owen Davies, paranormal historian and contributor to BBC’s HistoryExtra says that haunted houses can be scary due to their association with death. They may have become places where violent or mysterious deaths took place and where ghosts of the dead linger to cause problems for those still living there.

A haunted house can be dangerous to visitors by inducing an evolutionary response known as the fight-or-flight reaction in their body, preparing it to defend or flee from perceived threats. Dilated pupils, sweating and rapid heartbeat are just a few symptoms of this reaction.

Symptoms of a Haunted House

If you live in a haunted house, you might experience disturbing phenomena like unexplained bumps in the night, strange noises and even apparitions. Additionally, paranormal enthusiasts cite hot or cold areas of your house as possible signs that it’s haunted by ghosts or spirits; lights flickering randomly as seen on Stranger Things may also occur – another possible clue!

Signs that your home may be haunted include hearing clacking noises on the stairs and hearing disembodied voices; however, these symptoms could also be due to other causes, including electrical faults or furniture rearrangement.

Additionally, you may notice yourself or others in your household acting strangely, which some believe could be an indicator of being haunted by an evil spirit. Also if healthy pets suddenly die or vanish from the house it could be an indicator that ghosts have made an appearance.

Treatments for a Haunted House

Haunted houses often utilize flashing lights for their scary effects, which may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Therefore, guests must be informed before entering.

If a visitor gets sick inside a haunted house, he or she should notify the haunted house manager as soon as possible and seek medical attention immediately. They may also be required to sign a waiver to prevent their damages claim being pursued in court.

Visitors should wear comfortable shoes and avoid bringing valuables into haunted houses, and do some research beforehand to ascertain its fright level. In case an injured visitor should occur at one, detailed medical records must be kept and an experienced personal injury attorney contacted immediately.

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