Haunted Places in Maryland

haunted places in maryland

Maryland is famous for its beautiful waters, stunning coastlines and delicious crabs; but it also hosts several ghosts. From haunted houses to century-old hotels, Maryland boasts numerous locations where paranormal activity has been reported.

From Frederick’s notable citizens’ ghostly appearances to a child who haunts the Lord Baltimore Hotel, these locations will certainly give you chills!

1. Fort McHenry

Most people associate Maryland with its rich past. And while many events from its storied history have been documented, others still haunt its shores today.

Fort McHenry, which witnessed its fair share of combat during the War of 1812, is said to be haunted by ghostly soldiers from that conflict. Visitors have reported hearing footsteps and seeing shadows at this park where an iconic battle took place that preserved the American flag. One notable ghost is Lieutenant Levi Claggett – an officer killed when British cannon fire hit his bastion he guarded and who can often be seen marching down his original route even now!

At Fort Monroe, other ghosts have also been seen, including what is thought to be an ex-hangman. Meanwhile, employees at Point Lookout Lighthouse have reported hearing footsteps and strange noises in empty rooms.

2. The Horse You Came In On Saloon

Maryland may be best known for crab cakes, the Chesapeake Bay, Annapolis and Edgar Allen Poe, but it also remains a hotbed of paranormal activity. Maryland boasts numerous haunted locations where spirits have been known to roam searching for an audience.

One of Maryland’s most haunted spots, The Horse You Came In On Saloon was established in 1775 and operated prior, during, and post prohibition. Rumor has it that Edgar Allan Poe used this bar before his mysterious demise. Employees reporting hearing disembodied voices and seeing an apparition of himself at closing time – so much so that employees leave him a glass of whiskey on the bar!

3. Pocomoke State Forest

Maryland state forests have long been associated with ghostly activity and paranormal phenomenon. Visitors who visit them claim seeing ghostly ships, mysterious fog and even hearing night-time screaming. Many also claim to have witnessed apparitions or captured strange anomalies on film while also experiencing an unsettled atmosphere within these vast woodlands.

Westminster Presbyterian Church & Burial Ground

Maryland is filled with haunted places that will make you shudder with fear – from werewolf ghosts to an ancient hotel, these locations will leave you shuddering in fear!

Maryland may be best known as a haunted state, and Westminster Presbyterian Church & Burial Ground –  may be its most haunted locale. Edgar Allen Poe lies buried there and visitors have reported witnessing unexplained occurrences there such as hearing disembodied voices, feeling an unexplained force brush against them! And they have seen shadow figures crossing the bridge near his grave site.

4. Other Ghostly Sites

No matter your opinion on ghosts, Maryland offers plenty of creepy places for Halloween this year. From haunted graveyards to century-old hotels, Maryland’s haunts will surely leave an impression!

The National Museum of Civil War Medicine is said to be haunted by Marcia Noyes, who served as librarian when it was still part of Medical and Chirurgical Society of Maryland library. Rumor has it that her footsteps can still be heard pacing through darkened rooms, and staff have reported seeing her ghost.

Annapolis State House is said to be haunted by numerous spirits, with one room where George Washington resigned his commission being especially active. Revolutionary soldiers are commonly seen roaming its grounds.

Huntingdon College also features its Red Lady which has been witnessed by both former and current students alike.

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