Ghost Tours and Haunted Places in Tennessee

Tennessee is known for its country music, college basketball and beautiful landscapes – as well as being the site of some spine-chilling haunted locations and haunted tours. This article investigates some spine-tingling haunted tours, haunted houses and eerie locations to visit in Tennessee.

Adams – John Bell Farm – This property is believed to be haunted by Kate Batts, an evil spirit known for causing rattling chains, knocking noises, and sightings of strange-looking animals in her life and after death. Her presence has been reported as the source of mysterious phenomena such as noises rattling from chains or unexplained knocking noises, among other symptoms.

Sensabaugh Tunnel

Sensabaugh Tunnel in Kingsport, Tennessee has long been associated with mysterious tales. Teenagers would use its small parking spot before entering as an excuse to hang out, make out and engage in all manner of mischief. The tunnel takes its name from a family who lived opposite it – one member had an ability to mimic any sound with uncanny accuracy!

According to legend, Edward Sensabaugh killed his entire family and threw them all in the tunnel as part of an insane plan he developed in order to scare away vandals and teens; others suggest this may have been done simply in order to fill the space with an eerie shriek to keep vandals away; this shriek can still be heard when visitors visit today; many visitors also report hearing voices and footsteps within the tunnel and some have even reported turning off their car engines inside and seeing it stop working again when returning out again! It has also been said that should you turn off your car engine inside of this tunnel it will never start up again if you turn it off within this tunnel!

Rotherwood Mansion

Kingsport is home to a stately home believed to be haunted by spirits. Paranormal tour groups frequently visit this dark location known as Rotherwood Mansion built by Reverend Frederick Ross that has a rich history of tragedy and hauntings.

Rowena Ross was the daughter of the man who built Rotherwood and fell deeply in love with a man who drowned nearby in Holston River. Following his death, she fell into deep despair and refused to leave her third-floor bedroom that provided views of Holston River.

Joshua Phipps, who purchased the mansion after Ross’ death, was known for being cruel to his slaves. Reportedly cursed with an early and horrific demise, several have reported seeing Joshua’s ghost roaming through the house, pulling off coverlets from sleepers before laughing his sinister laugh at people sleeping beneath it. A black dog can sometimes also be found howling at night on its grounds.

Bell Witch

One of the more fearsome myths originating in Tennessee is that of the Bell Witch. According to legend, this spirit haunted John Bell’s home in Robertson County’s northwest corner (now Adams) between 1817-1821; according to one account she terrorized them all with murderous attacks.

The legend of the Bell Witch is an intriguing piece of Southern folklore. It tells of an archetype who becomes besieged by a malevolent spirit who attempts to emasculate him and take away his daughter. Additionally, this story suggests that she was created as part of their times, where white men defined themselves by frontier values and deviating from traditional Christianity could bring dire repercussions.

Martin Van Buren Ingram first chronicled the Bell Witch legend in print with An Authenticated History of the Famous Bell Witch published more than seventy years after the supposed events occurred; nonetheless, its legacy lives on in Southern culture and folklore.

Sensabaugh Hollow Road

Most people envision Tennessee when they think of country music and rock ‘n’ roll; however, Tennessee is also famous for its history and haunted locations that attract ghost hunters across the state every year.

One of the most haunted locations in Tennessee is Sensabaugh Tunnel. According to legend, this 1920s tunnel now serves as a terrifying driving experience on dark autumn nights and is said to be haunted by an unscrupulous homeless person believed to have murdered a family nearby; also believed is he killed the infant and drowned her nearby – now known as Crybaby Pool.

Brushy Mountain State Prison has long been considered an epicenter for paranormal enthusiasts in Tennessee, once housing some of the state’s most violent criminals. Reports have come in of cell doors rattling, bloodcurdling footsteps echoed throughout halls and touched, shoved or scratched visitors by mysterious entities within its walls.

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