Haunted Places in Rotterdam

haunted places rotterdam

With Halloween approaching, you might be looking forward to some spooky fun. Rotterdam offers numerous haunted places that will provide plenty of scares.

Waardenberg Castle in Gelderland boasts an infamous past. According to legend, Dr. Faust made a pact with Satan in 1842 and in exchange promised all knowledge for seven years; then pulled him from the castle by his hair leaving bloodstains that still exist to this day.

1. The Cramer Mansion

The Tot Zover museum in Amsterdam offers a fascinating yet macabre spectacle: coffins, postmortem photography and funeral memorabilia galore await visitors in this morbid attraction. But more importantly it serves to examine our attitudes toward death – making this more than just an entertainment spectacle!

Cramer Mansion, situated just a few kilometres away, is said to be haunted by Helena. According to legend, Helena was once a daughter of a tanner on Spooksteeg in the 18th century who murdered Dina out of jealousy before confessing on her deathbed and asking forgiveness from her husband; unfortunately he refused and cursed her instead with roaming this world alone forevermore.

As reported by its current owners, footsteps can be heard walking up and down stairs, whispers can be heard in certain rooms, toilets flush on their own and cold drafts can be felt throughout the house. And that may not even be enough; current owners have reported sightings of dark figures as well as children crying!

2. Marnehuizen Military Training Village

This village used for military training is considered one of the Netherlands’s most haunted locations. Filled with ghostly spirits, its purpose is to teach soldiers how to fight in urban environments. Situated in its northern corner of the country.

There are houses, shops, town halls and even a train station at this expansive military training village in Europe; all provide opportunities for testing your nerves.

On the base, there are numerous haunted spots, including Monster House which is said to be haunted by a spirit resembling that of a young girl who often bathes her hair during the middle of the night. People who move into Monster typically leave within one year due to strange events happening within it; some even claim seeing her through windows! Furthermore, Cube houses and Erasmus statue are said to also feature hauntings.

3. The Prison of Zierikzee

Zierikzee Prison in the Netherlands is said to be haunted. During its use as a prison during the 18th Century, criminals and girls who committed crimes or prostituted themselves were imprisoned here – according to legend it was nearly impossible for any of them to escape! Visitors say they hear wood creak beneath their feet.

Prisoners were tortured and murdered at this prison; some even hangings took place there! Many believe that ghosts of these victims still roam this building today.

Zierikzee was under German occupation during World War II until liberated by British troops who presented a white flag of surrender, signaling their entry. Since then, its prison has become a museum.

4. The Rotterdam City Hall

Rotterdam City Hall stands as an architectural marvel and symbol of resilience and forward-thinking in Rotterdam. Designed by architect Richard Meier, this impressive structure is known for its sustainable features as well as its distinct shape that recalls maritime heritage of Rotterdam.

Some believe the city hall to be haunted, citing bizarre incidents inside of it such as unexplained screams.

Are you curious to experience if the City Hall is haunted for yourself? Join a ghost tour, or visit it during regular day hours on any weekday – they are free! On a tour, you will have an opportunity to see many impressive rooms of the building such as its civic, courtyard wedding room corridors and council chamber. Visit Viaport Rotterdam House of Horrors website for more details and extended hours starting in mid October!

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