The Most Haunted Places in the World

Belief in paranormal activity aside, visiting a haunted place can be an unforgettable experience. Signs of paranormal activity might include sightings of ghostly figures, unexplained noises and lights, sudden cold spots or musical instruments playing on their own – or anything else that gives off chills!

From haunted castles to hospitals designed to treat tuberculosis, these places will make your hair stand on end!

1. Rolling Hills Asylum

Rolling Hills Asylum was previously known as Genesee County Poor House; over time, however, it quickly evolved into a repository for society’s outcasts – widows, orphans, alcoholics, TB patients, criminally insane individuals – among many others. Over 1,700 documented deaths (plus hundreds more not recorded) took place there between 1906-1985 alone.

Reports of ghost activity at Rolling Hills Asylum range from doors slamming shut, footsteps being heard and disembodied voices heard to ghost sightings of an apparition known as Roy who has often left large handprints on walls.

Sharon Coyle of Sharon Coyle Asylums explained that some spirits at her asylum consider it their home. They may have lost loved ones here or developed relationships more significant to them than any before – making this place their natural place of rest and making some unwilling to leave.

2. Gladesville Mental Hospital

Although ghostly presences may linger in old houses, castles, and jails, nothing compares to the chilling effect of visiting a mental hospital. Once home to thousands of nameless patients who lived within its walls for so long – their legacy still sends chills down visitors’ spines today!

As once known as Tarban Creek Lunatic Asylum and later Gladesville Hospital for the Insane, this haunted complex has an unfortunate past. Patients were subjected to neglect and abuse from staff members as well as themselves – in some instances even taking their lives themselves due to stigma surrounding mental illness; their bodies often went unclaimed due to shame surrounding mental illness; many are even buried unmarked graves today.

Now the site houses the National Art School, but its colonial sandstone buildings are said to be haunted. People have reported hearing whispering voices and feeling cold fingers caress the backs of their necks.

3. Aradale Asylum

Visits to Australia’s most haunted asylum can be spine-tingling experiences. Established in 1867, this psychiatric complex is said to have witnessed 13,000 deaths within its walls – and visitors often report unexpected sensations, touches or whispers during ghost tours of this abandoned site.

Nurse Kerry, known to many in the women’s ward, has been reported by many witnesses in recent days as she appears with cold hands reaching out and touching visitors.

Aradale Asylum provides many paranormal experiences, from bitter tastes in the mouth and feeling ill or nauseous to ticking clocks and methodical banging sounds in empty wards. Furthermore, many believe the ghost of Gary — an individual who cut himself so frequently his penis could never reattach — haunts one former room in J ward.

4. Old Changi Hospital

Old Changi Hospital, one of Singapore’s most haunted places, is widely believed to be haunted by ghosts and poltergeists. Rumor has it that Kempeitai military police used this place during World War II to torture prisoners at will.

The former hospital comprises two blocks: the Upper Block and Lower Block. During World War II, SAF Hospital used the Upper Block while Changi Chalet Hospital utilized both blocks.

Since 1997, when the hospital closed down, there have been multiple reports of paranormal activity at its former premises. Legend trippers have reported encountering a female ghost thought to be that of a nurse murdered by Japanese soldiers; she often wears her uniform as she walks the halls of the hospital.

5. The Dakota

The Dakota Building may be best known as being John Lennon’s residence before his murder, but it also boasts an eerie past of paranormal activity. Even Lennon himself reported experiencing strange incidents within this structure – claiming to have seen UFOs from his apartment and encountering what he called a “crying lady ghost” who haunted its hallways in its earlier part.

There have been reports of poltergeist activity in the basement. One spirit, Edward Cabot Clark, has been seen moving and shaking objects throughout the building; he’s often described as an old man with long nose and wire glasses wearing a wig – who can sometimes even move objects by moving and shaking them! Although the building is not open to visitors at large, those who once resided there have reported supernatural encounters there as well as when living there previously.

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